There are lots of things to encounter during your dives at Curaçao. It doesn’t matter if you do a guided dive or your open water dives. You always will encounter a lot of creatures and corals at the reef of Curaçao. The best thing of diving is that you can come really close to nature. […]

During your advanced open water course you have 3 optional dives. One of your options is the DPV ( diver propulsion vehicle) dive. You will learn the basic skills neccessary to operate the DPV, and then you go. It’s so much fun to do!! During this specific dive we encountered a lot of turtles. Luckily […]

One of the great adventures of diving at Curaçao is the wreck dive to the “Superior  Producer”. You can do it as an guided dive from shore or as one of the dives during your advanced open water course. Entering the water from shore and go under in to the deep is an adventure on […]

When you visit Curaçao, you should at least try diving. If you have never done it before  try a discover scuba dive maybe you like it so much that you want to start  your open water course straight away. If you are already certified you can do guided dives or a follow up course like advanced open water […]

It’s so much fun to do your open water course at Curaçao.  Even when you are doing learning how to do your  skills you are already in between the sea creatures. This because Curaçao has lots of bays with swimming pool conditions, so we are allowed to do the pool sessions there. The creatures are curious […]

Doing your open water diver course or advanced open water course can be a lot of fun. You learn a lot of skills to handle problems under water so your dives will be safe and comfortable. Also you see a lot of new things, the under water world is an complete different one then the […]

Last weeks during our guided dives at a beautiful dive site of Curaçao, we encountered a lot of green turtles. They are amazing creatures of the sea. If you spot them, don’t approach them from behind. They will swim very fast away because they think they are going to be attacked. If you want to […]

During guided dives or open water courses or discover scuba dives we encounter a lot of sea creatures. sometimes we are very lucky. Then we encounter spacial ones at one day during two different dives. How about the Spanish lobster? Or underwater cockroach as many people call him :-)) The frogfish, who created us with […]

It is so much fun to get your junior open water diver diver certification at Curaçao. You see a lot under water and when you have your certification you can dive with your parents, if they have their open water diver  certification also. You see some special things together and have a lot to talk about […]