3 Years ago OCEANReef offered us the possibility to become instructors for using their GDivers Integrated Dive Masks, also called Full Face Dive Masks.

Rob followed this course and also became official service technician for those masks.

Immediately we saw the potential for diving with those masks. Nowadays almost every snorkeler is using a full face snorkel mask, so the next logical step is going diving with full face dive masks.

However, most known dive organisations only accepted the use of these masks as a specialty course for already certified divers. It was not allowed  to offer Discover Scuba Dives yet, nor Open water courses using the full face dive mask. But that was what we wanted to do.

So we decided to talk to IDD, a worldwide known and acknowledged dive organization. They were open to this new opportunity and together we re-wrote the DSD and open water course. Some exercises were taken out because they are not needed when diving with a full face dive mask, others put in that concern the use of the full face mask.

All in all we made the DSD and open water courses suited and safe for using the integrated dive masks.

This made us the first dive center worldwide to offer these options to the public. And what a success this has proven to be!

A complete new group of divers found us. People who for some reason could not hold a regulator in their mouth, people who were afraid of water in the mask. But also people who have trouble equalizing when using a conventional mask.

Who wouldn’t want to try diving knowing no water can come in the mask, you can not lose your regulator and you have more options to equalize your ears then when you use a conventional mask? A more natural way of breathing and bigger field of vision, so much more comfortable!

At first other dive centers where sceptic, something new is not always immediately loved. Remarks like:” It’s better to learn the old-fashioned way”, or: “I don’t need this, I can already dive with a conventional mask” are countered by us. “I can drive shift, automatic however is more relaxed”, or “Do you still write your letters by hand? No, you use e-mail”

What we now see is that other dive organisations, like for instance PADI, now slowly are following. PADI now allows OCEANReef trained instructors to offer DSD’s. SSI will soon follow, for sure. But still no open water courses. What if after your DSD you would like to learn diving using the integrated dive masks, and not the conventional way?

Then you come to us!

We are still the FIRST and ONLY dive center who can help you with this, and have lots of experience with it.

Sea Turtle Rescue

Today we went out with Ard Vreugdenhil from Sea Turtle Conservation Curaçao. Ard was going to teach us and another instructor from Go West Diving  how to safely catch sea turtles. How to remove hooks and fish lines in which they get entangled and how to safely put them back in the water. After a theoretical part we entered the water to find some sleeping turtles to practice on.

We already knew one turtle, Pointy, had fish line around one one fin for a couple of weeks already. Every time volunteers went in the water to look for her however they could not find Pointy. Guess what? The first turtle we found sleeping on the sea bottom was Pointy! Since it was very important Pointy would be helped as quickly as possible Ard went to down to get her himself. We could not risk one of us trying to get her and let her slip and swim away.

He took her out of the water and we tried to remove the line from her fin. Sadly it was so deep in her flesh already it was better to take her to Odette Doest. (the veterinarian who helps out STCC more often). This meant the end of our first training as well, but we will take this up again another time. For now the Sea turtle rescue was most important!

Local fishermen came immediately  to ask what we were doing to the turtle and tell us that we had to put it back into the water because it’s an endangered species. After explaining what we were doing they understood and wished us a good day.

We hope to be able to assist in Sea Turtle Rescues more often, and make people more aware why it’s important not to use lines and hooks in areas where turtles live, so we can enjoy them on our guided dives.


Physically challenged, but still diving is a possibility.

Recently we got a request to go diving with a physically challenged man. Due to his spasm he would not be able to dive with a conventional mask and regulator, simply because he would not be able to hold the regulator in his mouth. Luckily with the help of our new OCEANREEF Integrated Dive Masks (IDM) we were able to help him out.

Because this masks covers the whole face and has an integrated regulator you can breathe through your nose and mouth which makes it very comfortable. No water can enter the top compartiment of the mask, so you never have to clear your mask either.

On this specific dive 2 instructors went with the physically challenged man. His caretakers helped him in the water where the instructors took over. We stayed very shallow, but were lucky because several turtles were eating and didn’t care about us hovering around them. After about half an hour it was time to go back up, and tell the caretakers how much fun we had!

We are very happy with our IDM’s, in the short period we have them we already were able to help out a lot of people who otherwise would not be able to dive.

Not just physically challenged people, but also people who are just afraid to get water in their masks or have difficulties clearing them and therefore choose not to dive. Besides this it’s also just fun diving with an IDM!!!

For more a DSD or guided dive  with the OCEANREEF IDM, or even the specialty course,  contact us and we will answer asap.

Note: Of course the IDM is not the solution for every physically challenged person, but there are always other options as well. We are always doing our best to find the solution that fits you best!

What are the advantages of diving with a Fullface mask, or Integrated Dive Mask (IDM)? Why would certified divers, who are used to diving with a regulator and a normal dive mask (lets call them ‘conventional’ divers) choose to try diving with an IDM? Well, there are plenty advantages!

First of all you don’t have to hold a regulator in your mouth! You can breathe through your mouth or nose, whatever you prefer, so breathing comes more natural then it does in ‘conventional’ diving.

Another great thing is that the IDM will not fog up. No more spitting in your mask or using all kinds of expensive defoggers. Just put on your mask and go diving.

No water can come in!!! Even if you try to get water in it’s hardly do-able. This makes the fullface mask, or IDM perfect for those who want to try diving but are afraid of water getting into the mask. It takes away so much of the stress already!

Besides all this you also have a wider view, which makes the experience even better.

Another plus: The IDM can be used with a communication device, which makes it ideal for dives as wreck dives or other dives where hand signals are less easy to use.

Off course diving with an IDM is a bit different, there are other emergency skills involved. This is why it’s wise to follow the OceanReef IDM specialty course when you are thinking about buying your own fullface mask. In this course we teach you how to handle your IDM, how to respond in case of emergency and we will also teach you how to adjust your mask to your face, so every dive is a perfect experience.

Don’t want to start the specialty course immediately, but do want to experience a dive with an IDM? We also offer an IDM-introduction dive, so contact us for details and reservations.

No more regulator in your mouth, no more fogging masks, no more water in your mask, let’s go Fullface!


Navigation Specialty.

Most of the diving we do is guided dives, Discover Scuba Dives or Open Water and Advanced Open Water courses. From time to time however we do get divers who want to specialize and learn more about a specific subject in diving. For instance Wreck dive specialty or Peak Performance Buoyancy Specialty.

One of the specialties we love to teach is the Navigation Specialty, or Underwater Navigator Course. In this 3 open water dives course you will learn how to navigate underwater working with you compass but also using natural navigation points. Just like you use specific points on the surface (‘at the traffic lights turn right’) you do the same underwater. What do you see when you reach the reef? What does it look like from the other side? How deep is it? This way you try to find points during your whole dive, so that on the way back you will have references to find you starting point again. Believe me, it’s not always as easy as it sounds.

Besides learning how to use natural navigation points and basic compass use you will also learn how to use your compass to find a specific spot back on another day, using 3 compass headings. This way you can find your way back easily, for instance if you found something you want to go back for to retrieve (trash that is to heavy to lift without a lift bag for instance) or to take pictures of.

A very useful course, this Navigation Specialty. It will make you more aware of your surroundings and more self-confident for when you go diving without a dive master or instructor to guide you. How much fun is it to bring your dive buddy back to exactly the point where you entered the water? Imagine their surprised looks when you manage to do this every single dive!!!

This time I would like to talk to you about the importance to check your gear before you go diving. And I do not just mean do a buddy check before you enter the water :-)).

If you own your own gear make sure everything is always rinsed well and dries in the shade before you store it. Every year you should have your regulator serviced to keep it working properly and to be safe.

When you go and rent gear from a dive shop make sure you check all the gear at the dive center before you leave for your dive site. Does the BCD inflate/deflate, are the regulators working correctly, does the pressure gauge show how much air is in the tank? Is the o-ring in the tank 0kay, no tears, no fray? If damaged have them change it immediately. Does the air from the tank small okay?

Can the dive center where you get/fill your tank show a recent air check report?

And, very important, has the tank been hydrostatically tested, or is the tank past its due date? Here on Curaçao every tank needs to be hydrostatically tested once every 5 years.

After the test each tank gets a new date stamped in it, so you can always check easily. When you get a tank that is past its due date ask for another tank!

Of course this also works the other way around. When you come to our fill station to have your tank filled we will check the date as well. If the tank is past its due date we will not fill it, even when you tell us you only use it for putting air in your tyre. It doesn’t matter to us for what you use the tank. A tank that has not been tested regularly brings a big risk to us when we fill it. If something happens when we fill a tank that is not correctly tested and doesn’t have a correct date on it, insurance doesn’t cover!

So for your safety and ours, and of course your diving fun: Check all your gear before you go diving!

Have you already seen the pictures of our new ‘toys for boys’? Recently we added a second DPV to our equipment. With this addition we can now offer guided DPV dives! DPV stands for Diver Propulsion Vehicle. These guided DPV dives are one on one, so really private dives! Diving with a DPV is fun and gives us the opportunity to reach areas we have never explored before. Dives at sites of which we know there’s always a lot of current also get easier using a DPV.

Of course diving with the DPV is not restricted to boys only, girls are welcome to dive with it too:-))

For our DPV dives we use the TUSA SAV-7 evolution, one of the most powerful DPV-s. These DPV-s can be handled in different ways. You can hold them in your hands and let it pull you through the water, but you can also mount it and use your body to steer it whilst you are being pushed forward. Of course this takes some training and explaining before you actually start the fun tour part of your DPV dive.

Another option we can now offer is doing the DPV specialty. Get another certification having fun playing with the DPV!

So far a couple of divers have went on a DPV dive with us. All were so enthousiastic about it they immediately booked a second dive.

Come and feel like James Bond underwater! Stop by the dive center to get more info or just send an e-mail and we will send you all the details you need. Experience diving with a DPV yourselves and you will see it offers a new dimension to your way of diving. Since Christmas is coming up, here’s an idea! Give a DPV dive as an original gift or put it on your wishlist, you might get your Santa to give you the opportunity to experience DPV diving…..

Während ein Nachttauchgang letzter Woche, mit einer Student die jetzt die Nachttauchgang Specialty Kurs macht, habe ich etwas gesehen was ich vorher noch nie gesehen hatte: der gefleckter Seehase! Der gefleckter Seehase gehört zu Molluske.

Hätte ich die Wahl gehabt dann wäre ich nicht weiter getaucht und hätte ich meiner ganzer Flasche da leergemacht! Es gab nicht nur der eine, es gab wenigstens 4 Seehasen und es war wunderschön die zu observieren. Wir haben viel gesehen dieser Tauchgang, Seepferdchen, Schildkröte, Spanish lobsters, aber Höhepunkt war doch der Seehase.

Leider hatte ich kein Kamera dabei, und ihr weißt was mann immer sagt: Kein Foto? Nicht gesehen!

Zu Hause war ich so aufgeregt, könnte nur noch über den Seehase reden. Deshalb haben wir Sonntag noch ein Privattauchgang gemacht, im Hoffnung das wir die Seehasen wieder begegnen wurden. Diese mal mit Kamera!

Schon schnell hatte ich der erste Seehase wieder gefunden, und Rob hat angefangen zu fotografieren. Ein Blick um uns zeigte das es wieder viele Seehasen gab. Manche wahren mit Paarung beschäftigt, andere sind über den Sandboden gekrochen auf die Suche nach etwas zu essen. Rob hat gedacht die Schnecken sind klein und hat sich sehr gefreut als er gesehen hat wie groß die wirklich sind.

Von wo kommt die Name Seehase eigentlich, wer kann mir das sagen? Ich kann mir selber nur denken das es wegen die Tentakel ist, die sind so lang, wie die Ohren von Hasen. Aber ob das stimmt??

Das Reef creature buch sagt folgenden:

Gefleckte Seehasen sind hell braun bis grün mit unregelmäßiger Flecken die mit Schwarz umissen sind. Sie werden manchmal bis oft gesehen in Florida, Bahamas und Karibik. Sie leben am liebsten in Gebiete mit Seegras und Steinen und essen Algen. Wenn sie zerstört werden dann scheiden sie ein dicker, lilafarbenen Flüssigkeit aus, die aber harmlos ist. Tagsüber sind die in Korallen und Spalten versteckt.

Wir haben unserer Tauchgang genossen und schöne Bilder gemacht um anderen zu zeigen. Planen Sie ein Nachttauchgang auf Curaçao? Halt die Auge geöffnet, vielleicht finden Sie der gefleckter Seehase!

Kennen Sie das? Sie haben sich ein Urlaub gebucht, aber jetzt dauert es noch Monate vor es soweit ist. Dann hilft es beim Vorfreude wenn mann sich schon was einlesen kann! Es gab schon Der große Outdoor Reiseführer Curaçao (ISBN 9783844802023) von Christopher Böhm und Elke Verheugen, in welchem ich das Tauchteil schreiben dürfte.

Aber jetzt, jetzt ist da auch unserem neuen Buch Tauchparadies Curaçao, die ich zusammen mit Paul Schmidt und Unterstützung von mehr erfahren Autorin Elke Verheugen geschrieben habe!!! Wir sind stolz!!!

Curaçao ist in den letzten Jahren immer mehr bekannt geworden als Traumurlaubsland für Deutsche, sicher da es jetzt auch Direktflüge gibt. Natürlich gibt es auf Curaçao nicht nur wunderschöne Strände und Tauchplätze, es hat viel mehr zu bieten. Deshalb fangen wir unserem Buch an mit ein kleines ABC von Curaçao. Hier finden Sie schnell alles was sie wissen müssen wenn Sie ein Urlaub auf unserem Insel planen.

In zweiten Teil finden Sie die Curaçao Maps, ein schnellen Überblick über den ganzen Insel, mit die Hauptstadt Willemstad und die Stadtteile Punda und Otrobanda die ganz interessant sind um in spazieren zu gehen und die Architektur an zu sehen. Mit diesen Maps finden Sie sich schnell zurecht auf den Insel.

Und dann, dann kommen Sie am dritten Teil, das Teil das Taucher am meisten interessieren wird! Hier gibt es über 140 Seiten mit info über Tauchplätze auf Curaçao. Ist es für unerfahrener Taucher, oder für fortgeschrittene. Gibt es ein sicherer Parkplatz, gibt es Schatten am Strand wenn mann sich nach den Tauchgang ein wenig ausruhen möchte. Kann mann von Kant ab tauchen oder soll mann mit Boot gehen? Viele Tauchplätze werden beschrieben und es gibt viele schöne Bilder die wir meist auch selber gemacht haben.

Kaufen Sie sich das Buch und genießen Sie schon von alles was auf Sie wartet auf unserem Traumurlaub Curaçao!

Sie können es in ihrem Buchhandel bestellen oder direkt bei amazon

Obwohl in der ersten Woche des Monats sah eher ruhig Hochsaison hat für uns abgeholt. Wir sind damit beschäftigt beschäftigt beschäftigt, Tauchen Tauchen Tauchen! Alle Instruktoren machen ein Minimum von 2 Tauchgänge pro Tag und haben die volle Gruppen. Wir beginnen unseren Tag der Vorbereitung der Tauchausrüstung für die Taucher wir bereits wissen, die Studenten, die Open Water Kurs oder Advanced Open Water Kurs und für unsere geführte Tauchgänge. Für die neuen Studenten ankommen, Discover Scuba Tauchgänge zu tun oder für Taucher, die Getriebe mieten tauchen auf ihren eigenen gehen wollen füllen wir die Formulare aus und versuchen Sie auf Geräte, die richtigen Größen zu finden.

Um 9.00 Uhr die ersten Gruppen lassen Sie das Tauchzentrum, einige tauchen zu tun. Wenn die Lehrer kehren wir schnell Rince alle Ausrüstung, die verwendet wurde, nur um es wieder zu packen für die nächsten Gruppen, die schon darauf warten, Tauchen. Und dieses Muster wiederholt sich eine andere Zeit später am Nachmittag.

In der Zwischenzeit erfüllen wir Panzer, den Verkauf von Ausrüstung und Planung mehr Tauchgänge. Und, oh, wie wir uns selbst genießen !!! Busy busy busy, Tauchen Tauchen Tauchen bedeutet auch, welche große, neue Leute, Lehr unsere Leidenschaft und wunderschönen Kreaturen begegnen unter Wasser. Gibt es einen besseren Weg, um Ihren Tag zu verbringen ??

Diese letzten Wochen hatten wir die Ehre, unsere Gäste für einen Schnuppertaucher zu nehmen, ihnen zu zeigen, warum Tauchen ist so viel Spaß gemacht, und warum wir es lieben. Einige von ihnen entschieden sich für eine Wiederholung DSD zu tun, oder die vollständige Open Water Kurs selbst zu tun. Also haben wir ganz zertifiziert einige Open Water Taucher und Jr. Open Water Taucher auch. Und wir haben eine Menge geführte Tauchgänge, in denen wir versuchen immer, etwas Besonderes zu finden. Diese Woche wurde von Schildkröten, Seepferdchen und Anglerfische dominiert, so dass wir uns nicht beschweren, und weder unsere Taucher!

Denn jetzt wünsche ich Ihnen allen viel Spaß Blick auf all die Bilder und Filme, die wir geschrieben und gehen, um zu schreiben, und ich gehe zurück zu sein busy busy busy, Tauchen Tauchen Tauchen!

Anhänger von unserem Blog haben vielleicht bemerkt, habe ich nicht so viel schreiben, die letzten Wochen. Tadeln Sie es auf der Tatsache, wurde ich eine Großmutter von einem schönen Baby Mädchen namens Skylar Rose, die ganz meine Welt für eine Weile geändert.

Aber jetzt bin ich wieder, und ich verspreche, ich werde versuchen, mehr regelmäßig wieder zu schreiben. Lassen Sie uns mit ein wenig etwas, das wir in teilnahm am 4. Juli starten.

Wie Sie alle jetzt sind wir Teil CHATA des Dive Task Force und mit uns einige andere Tauchschulen. Eines der Dinge, die wir tun, ist zu organisieren Aufräumarbeiten zusammen. Die erste bereinigen wir organisiert war letztes Jahr November, als wir gereinigt Boca Sami auf der Oberfläche und natürlich unter Wasser. Dieses Mal ein Tauchplatz haben wir uns mehr auf die Westseite der Insel, Playa Piskado.

Auch diesmal haben wir an der Oberfläche und unter Wasser gereinigt. Wir waren alle sehr erfreut, eine so große Gruppe von Freiwilligen zu sehen angezeigt. Insgesamt waren rund 130 Freiwillige, 100 Taucher für die Unterwasser säubern, 30 für die Oberfläche. Was hat uns zu sehen ist, dass die Besucher an den Strand spontan begonnen, auch helfen.

Jeder Tauchschule unterrichtete es Freiwilligen und los ging zu reinigen. Divers ging ins Wasser, um Fischl, Becher, Dosen, sondern auch Rohre und Reifen entfernen. Auf der Oberfläche war es vor allem Kunststoff-Geschirr, Tassen, Bierflaschen, was wir gefunden haben.

Nach etwa einer Stunde und eine Hälfte des Tauchens und die Reinigung aller Taucher, wo wieder an die Oberfläche. Nun war es Zeit für eine Tombola mit Preisen von den Tauchzentren und einem Grill gesponsert. Wir alle genossen das gute Essen en Getränke, die auch alle gesponsert wurden. Turtle und Ray trat und ein Video und Bilder von der gesamten Veranstaltung, ebenfalls kostenlos.

Alles in allem hatten wir einen tollen Tag, und wir werden mit Sicherheit zu organisieren mehr von denen. Vielen Dank an alle Sponsoren und Freiwillige zu uns in unserem Streben nach einer saubereren Curaçao !!


These past 3 weeks have been extremely busy at our dive center. This means not only that we dive a lot but also that we meet a lot of nice people. New and returning customers, all come in a good mood (they are almost all on holiday) and want to have a nice experience underwater.

Extra fun for us that we went diving with a lot of children. 8-year olds doing the Bubblemaker program, 10-year olds doing the junior open water course. So much fun seeing how easily they do all the exercises needed and how much they enjoy seeing the fishes and corals.

Of course diving with children brings even more responsibility. This is why we prefer to dive 1 on 1 when we do course dives with children. Just the instructor and the junior diver. This way the children pay attention to just the instructor and are not distracted by other children or by the parents. (parents tend to interfere, understandably, they mean well but are not always helpful :-)))

All our instructors like to dive with children and are patient with them. Funny this week was that most children asked if they could dive with Rob, our Pirate Captain. Sometimes children say he looks like Captain Jack Sparrow of the Pirates of the Caribbean movies. Rob then explains what ‘really’ happened. How Johnny Depp came to the beautiful island of Curaçao to meet Rob. That he decided that’s what Captain Jack should look like. You can guess how impressed the children are! (i’m going to tell this at school mom!)

Some of the children we went diving with these couple of weeks were very lucky. How about this boy that saw a turtle and seahorse on his first dive, several turtles on his second dive, a spotted eagle ray and a frogfish on his third? I know a lot of adults who are very jealous now!

We are looking forward to our dives this afternoon and tomorrow, we are diving again with…..children!