At some shore dive spots you can encounter a lot of turtles at once. There are two kinds of turtles you can spot at curaçao, the green turtle and the hawksbill turtle. In this movie of our dive you see them both. The green turtle is more rounded from his shield and head. The hawksbill turtle has sharper edges at his shield and a sharp nose. When we film them we don’t use a pole for the camera or zoom in. We make sure we have eye contact with the turtle so he can decide if we can approach him close. This gives both a good feeling and the moment is always special.

Diving is a lot of fun. When you just did your open water course and go diving at exotic places, you wil encounter a lot of animals underwater. It doesn’t matter if you encounter a parrotfish or a turtle, it’s always fun. You enhance your skills with other experienced divers and after the dive, at the beach with a drink and BBQ, you can talk about what you have been encountering at the reef of Curaçao. There is so much to see at different dive spots, you can build your complete vacation around it. Even better: Let your friends do a Discover Scuba Dive and get them addicted to diving as well. Shared fun is even more fun!

Two weeks ago Rob spotted this yellow frogfish during one of his dives. Today Petricia was doing a dive on the same dive location with her open water student. Since Rob described the spot where the frogfish was so clearly she could easily find the spot and… the frogfish was still there! Better even, when filming the frogfish she discovered another frogfish behind it! Smaller, more brownish. First frogfish she ever found on her own, so she was happy. And so was the student. After a seahorse on his first course dive, turtles on the second now the 2 frogfish on his thirth. What will we find on the fourth dive???


Underwater painting at the reef of Curaçao performed by Tanya Haynes.

International artist Tanya Haynes has brought her unique style of fun fine art to life on Curaçao. Tanya’s artistry is recognized by top international designers and art collectors; aquariums; and ecological organizations.

As a SCUBA diver, Tanya breaks the confines of the aquarium and the shore to study her subjects in their natural environment. Everyday she has the pleasure of taking people to the tropics through painted experiences.

Most recently, she has embarked on a series of multi-dimensional sculptures made of Plexiglas and metal. This compelling new dimensional art form combines the contrast of metal and the vivid, fluid colors of life in the tropics. Watercolor and Acrylics are natural mediums for Tanya’s paintings. They provide a colorful, transparent and spontaneous palette that embodies the ever-changing environment she paints.

Come see and buy her artwork at the dive center!


At the end of every month we have a dive with “Captain Rob’s crew“. These are children who are certified junior open water divers or Seal Team members.  Every time we dive  at another  shore dive spot at Curaçao. This dive was very special, we went underwater to paint. We got our instruction from Tanya Haynes ( ), who has a lot of experience with painting, on the surface as well as underwater. After being briefed at the Dive center we went to the beach and tried to find  a good spot to paint. When we started, the fish where curious about the happening. It was a lot of fun to do, even as an adult you should try it.

Btw, Tanya Haynes is also the artist who painted our boat in front of the dive center, and in the dive center we sell her artwork. So if you’re looking for a souvenir….

During a two-tank guided shore dive at the reef of Curaçao, you can see how beautiful it is underwater. You do the dives at different spot (which there are a lot of at Curaçao), so you see the changes in landscape. One spot can have a lot of hard corals, the other one can have a lot of soft corals. Also you encounter a lot of different species during your dives, for example the Green turtle and the Hawksbill turtle. Also is it possible to have lunch in between the dives at the beach. You can talk with your fellow divers what you have seen during the last dive. A great relaxing Diving experience during your stay at our island.

After a while a couple went diving again on a guided shore dive at the reef  of Curaçao. when entering the warm waters and descending in to the deep, they saw why they liked diving so much. An amazing world showed up with fish and corals in all kind of colors . They realized that they  had had to do the dive at the start of the vacation and not at the end. Now they had a one time impression of diving at Curaçao and all it’s beauty. And there is so much to encounter during dives at Curaçao. You don’t have time enough during your stay.

After a year of not diving it’s recommended that you do a refresh course. We explain you everything what was important during your dives and how to handle the equipment. Also we walk through the hand signals with can be handy underwater so we understand each other. After going over this  at the dive center we grab our gear and go in to the water. There we do some skills so we can handle problems under water in a controlled manner. After that we go fun diving and you will see why you loved doing it. Encounter all the fish, creatures and corals the reef of Curaçao can offer us.

When relaxing on a beautiful beach at Curaçao, Henk, one of our returning dive friends, spotted shadow in the water. He acted right away by grabbing his snorkel gear and GoPro. He jumped into the water and saw the shadow was a beautiful manta ray just passing by. It was a short encounter but great. You see even if your not diving you can encounter a lot of amazing animals, just in the shallow waters of our beautiful island, Curaçao. The Manta Ray has been spotted several times the last few weeks. Maybe you will be lucky next time you go diving….. on one of your guided shore dives with Relaxed Guided Dives!

Last time I went diving with Henk. We went for an invasive lionfish hunt so he could check out his new pole spear. After a slow descent we started to look for some lionfish. During daytime they hide under the coral so they are difficult to spot and catch. When we spotted a few we started to spear, some where to quick and  got lucky but a few we caught. After we where done we return to the beach. On our way  I spotted something strange between the coral. After closer investigation I had found a frogfish. It was bright Yellow and almost didn’t move. We where happy we had a great dive even if the catch was small.

During a beautiful shore dive at Curaçao, I spotted something strange in a piece of elephant ear coral. By taking a closer look, I a saw a little bit of movement. Yes !! I hit the jackpot again.. a yellow frogfish. You don’t spot them that often during your dives, but the last year I already spotted already a few. The frog fish is a master in camouflage. It’s angling for it’s prey, in front of it’s mouth and than grabs it with amazing speed and skills. All by all an amazing creature to encounter during your dives, especially when you spot it eating.